The status of women in India has been subject to many great changes over the past few millennia. With a decline in their status from the ancient to medieval times, to the promotion of equal rights by many reformers, their history has been eventful. AJMAL FOUNDATION, since its inception, has worked hard on empowering poor and helpless women. Whether it is in the field of education or providing livelihood opportunities, AJMAL FOUNDATION has left no stone unturned in respecting gender equality. Social Empowerment Women should have awareness about the existing social problems in the society, about their role & image in the family & community, role in making important decision in their family, plan & promote better education for their children, taking care of health of the aged and the children just to mention a few. Women should also be allowed to participate in political and public life. Therefore, theywould be given a chance to serve the community including fighting for the basics amenities and welfare needs of the village community such as: Empowering Indian Women by Education Most women should be given a chance of finishing their education to the degree level. There should be women education grants that offer help to women from poor background in order to give them a chance to be educated. Scholarships can be provided to the women in order to benefit them to achieve their career by going back to school or various training institutions where they can further their education. Women who have the desire to improve their lives should be allowed to take these grants from the governments or NGOs to empower themselves with the help of their spouses or without for single mothers to get education to the degree level, post graduates, PHD just to mention a few. These grants for women get most supports from different companies after realizing that women can perform better than men if they are well educated and equipped. Empowering Women in Business Financial help should be provided to women in order to help them start some business. Women should be encouraged to start small business in order to have their own source of income, thus making them independent. Various non-governmental organizations should also offer financial support to women in India and encourage and teach them how they can be making their own money by starting various business activities. Skill Development and Livelihood In order to reach out to the poor, AJMAL FOUNDATION, in collaboration with like-minded social organizations, is implementing various schemes and projects within the organizational frame work to empower the women. AJMAL FOUNDATION has prioritized Skill Development Programs and has been implementing various projects in collaboration with different Ministries of the Government of India and Government of Assam as well. A few of them have been mentioned below: The following are some of the many projects done by AJMAL FOUNDATION regarding women empowerment:The subject of empowerment of women has become a burning issue all over the world including India since the last few decades. Many agencies of United Nations in their reports have emphasized that gender issue is to be given utmost priority.